Floor Plan Review


There is often more than one solution to planning out a space of a home, the aim is always to unlock the full potential of YOUR home to design a space that BEST  suits YOU. Eleanor has been called in as the ambulance to many failing projects, to rescue them mid way through construction as a result of being misdiagnosed the wrong design when opportunities were missed. Sadly, for many they do not realise until after the build is complete but by then it is too late. For her clients Eleanor prefers to be the doctor on their renovation or building project rather the ambulance and it is for that reason she offers a Floor Plan Review to people who are having doubts on their purposed design, who are unsure if their space is being used to it’s full potential or are looking for a second option on their floor plans.


Once Eleanor have an understanding of your problems and become clear on your vision, you will meet over zoom to discuss your concerns and doubts you may have regarding your purposed floor plans.  With Eleanor’s Memory Making Methodology™ and expertise in space planning she will point out any spatial problems you may have and discuss design solutions to overcome them.

You can either take the changes to your architect or engineer for final drawings to drawn up or move with Eleanor to the next design phase step.




Why Get A Diagnosis?




It is always better to take a pause at this stage of the design phase and think ‘I’ll just check to see …’, rather than be left standing in the middle of construction or worse in your finished home saying ‘If only I had known …’.

“I see it all the time, homeowners asking every member of their family, anyone who will listen or asking random strangers on Facebook forums whether they have created the best design for their renovation or new build. This is so dangerous as there is so much more to be considered than simply ‘anything you would change’? Getting a second option from a professional means I will look at your layout in it’s entirety, examining the functional and practical problems and offer solutions, ensuring your floor plans will design you a home that will work for now and always.” – Eleanor Clarke


“Eleanor is a true professional and her expertise has helped me understand the space and importance of flow in our house. She challenged how we wanted to design our new extension and created a plan that makes the best of the space available to us. Her redesigned plans and video followed on from a 30 minute call where she qualified our needs as a family. Very worthwhile.”

-S.Greaves, Co. Dublin

Do You Feel Like Your Architect Isn’t Really Listening To What You Want For Your Home?

Book a clarity call with Eleanor to get back in control of your project. In this free call, you’ll gain confidence and clarity by learning about our transparent process, tailored specifically to your needs. We’ll discuss how to reconfigure your space so it works for your family—without unnecessary extras or overblown budgets.

Let’s make sure your home reflects your vision. Book your clarity by clicking the button below.


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