A little About Me


After graduating from DIT with a BA in interior design and 15 years experience in the design industry, working for both architectural and kitchen firms,  I saw a massive issue in the construction industry where homeowners simply didn’t understand the consequence of their new designs being proposed to them. For many homeowners, this would result in them being misdiagnosed the wrong design or worse, they would not fully understand the errors of the design until after the build was complete, but by then it was too late and ultimately they were forced to settle for the wrong design.

From this evaluation and knowing I could save homeowners an awful lot of time, stress and money simply by educating them about their space planning, I set up my design business in 2018 and Cobelis Design Studio was born. I set about and continue to spend the word, not just about how important space planning is to the design of your home but also the importance of you understanding how the spatial design of your layout will work for YOU.

Cobelis Design Studio - BA Interior Designer Eleanor Clarke

I am married to Alan and we have three very happy, energetic children, Cooper, Bonnie and Ellis who are made up that their mammy’s business is named after them, even if Bonnie is disgusted that only the letter ‘B’ of her name made it.

A little fun fact about me is, still after all these years some of my oldest college friends still call me ‘Nerdy’, a nickname stemmed from when my dad used to call me ‘Elea-nerd’ when I was at school, it makes total sense!

Is Your Home Not Working For You But You Don’t Know Where To Start To Fix It?

Book a free ‘Clarity Call’ with Ireland’s #1 Spatial Interior Designer™, Eleanor Clarke, to discover how to reconfigure your entire home and save thousands on your renovation. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by big, costly decisions, Eleanor’s structured approach will guide you through the process, ensuring you get it right without the stress.

Book your call today with Eleanor by clicking the button below.



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